Partnership Agreement
Summary (full text is available for purchase)
This Partnership Agreement report is 'Deliverable 8' of the Grand Turk Water-producing Greenhouse (WPG) Viability Study. It is addressed to the supporting agency, CIDA INC; people and government of Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI); suppliers and advisors to the project, and potential investors and financiers.
A joint venture agreement was reached between Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd., Canadian Dew Technologies Inc., (both in Canada) and four companies based in TCI that bring additional technical and business expertise to the enterprise.
The joint venture company is a Turks and Caicos Islands incorporated company to be named GT Water & Food Production Ltd.
The agreement involves a joint venture with the participants having financial, organizational, and marketing responsibilities.
Immediate next steps include formalizing the share structure, facilitating corporate communications, press release to the TCI media, financing, and drafting a Development Agreement.
Approved by CIDA-INC March 2003. Author: Roland V. Wahlgren*, Atmoswater Research, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Water + Food™ is a trademark claimed by Roland V. Wahlgren. The thermodynamic and financial models of the Greenhouse system are © 2002–2003 by Roland V. Wahlgren. The Greenhouse and associated buildings structural design, layout, and configuration are © 2002–2003 by Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd.