The project was the subject of a CAD 205,000 CIDA Viability Study from 2001 to 2003. CIDA contributed 80% of the study cost. Tangible results from the study included production of nine comprehensive reports (Technical Feasibility, Financial and Commercial Viability, Regulatory Framework Analysis, Environmental Assessment for well-drilling, Environmental Assessment for entire proposed installation and operation, Training Plan, Gender Analysis and Social Integration Plan, and Partnership Agreement) which were all approved by CIDA’s experts. The project’s website, includes summaries of the reports. Efforts to fund the test borehole and first phase construction activities have been unsuccessful. Without having results of the test borehole available, it has been difficult to attract interest in financing the project. The water-producing greenhouse construction on Grand Turk (population 3,700) has not occurred. Therefore, the potential beneficiaries of the project, the people of TCI (population 45,000), remain waiting for progress on the project. Once the project is completed, the entire country of Turks and Caicos Islands will benefit from:
Economic diversification
- Import substitution for bottled water, fresh vegetables, and fruit
- Sales of fresh vegetables and fruits to distributors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, and value-added manufacturers (for example, salsas and juices)
- Sales of fresh water to local government, water tankers, breweries, and water-bottling businesses
- Export sales of premium brand 500 mL water bottles
- Sales of value-added “sports drinks” (electrolytes added)
- Selling greenhouse tours and bottled water to cruise ship tourists
New local employment opportunities
- About 10 skilled jobs per greenhouse site
Expanded needs for skills and technologies
- Crop growing requirements
- Plant competition
- Crop Diseases, Pests, and Physiological Disorders
- Integrated Pest Management
- Harvesting and packing
- Storage and transportation requirements
- Water quality monitoring
- Environmental issues (Recycling and waste reduction)
- Equipment use and maintenance
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